What is Moss2007 its purpose
Moss :Microsoft office share point server
Moss is a new server program that is part of office 2007
Moss provide services
1)Collabration:Allow team work together effectively ,collabrate on and publish
document.maintain task list ,implement worflow and share information
through the use of wiki and blog
2)Portals:Create my personal site portal to share information with other and
personalize the user expierence
3)Enterpise Search:Quickly easly find people ,expertise ant content in
bussines application
4)Enterprise Content Managment:Create and manage document,records
and web content
5)Bussiness process and forms:Create workflow and elecronic form to automate and stream line business process
6)Bussiness Intelligence :Allow information worker to easy access critical
business information , anaylse and view data ,and publish reports to make more informed decesion
Moss integeration with Office 2007
1)Powerpoint 2007 is used to create slide libiraries for presentation slide
for a user and notified update so on
2)Office designer to create templates
Moss Integeration with .net
1)Create event on list , webparts
WSS varying with Moss
Windows share point service (wss) It provide site template for collabrationg with colleagues and setting up meeting template
Moss :In addtion to wss template .It provide site template related to
enterprise and publishing