
Create a modal popup in javascript without ajax

Here i am create a popup window alternate to javascript popups 1)we have to create 2 html files 2)First html file name is modalpopup page (you can have any name for page) 3)Second html file is dialog page (you can have any name for page) 4)Uisng window .showModalDialog() method .we can diplay a modal dialog 5)Note for example purpose i used HTML pages you can proceed with other type files 6)You can assign any image to image tag in my example and update CSS according to your requirment Note :For alternate option of modal dialog visit:
////////// pseduo code of modalpoppage //javscript code function fun() { window.showModalDialog("dialogpage.html",window,"dialogHeight:100px;dialogWidth: 283px; dialogTop: 286px; edge: Raised; center: Yes; resizable: Yes; status: No;"); } call function on buttton click event ///////////// pseduo code of dialogpage ////////////// HTML code <table align="center"> <tr> <td> <img src="" /> </td> <td> Information to be display </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type="Button" value="Yes" onclick="javascript:alert('Yes is clicked');" /> </td> <td> <input type="Button" value="No" onclick="javascript:window.close();" /> </td> </tr> </table> //////////////

Create subsite in Moss2007

create a subsite in sharepoint (Assume parent site created) 1)Click on site setting tab 2)Under Web pages section click on sites and workspaces 3)Enter Title & description & url and modifed permission if required 4)Select template

Creating different session ID on new window

1)create object of SessionIDManager ///// System.Web.SessionState.SessionIDManager s1 = new System.Web.SessionState.SessionIDManager(); ////// 2)Remove session id create a new session Id /////// s1.RemoveSessionID(HttpContext.Current); s1.CreateSessionID(HttpContext.Current); /////// 3)Assign value to session ////// Session["page1Session"] = "page1 session"; /////// 4)In new page assign session value as above 5)To look session Id in each page write Response.Write(Session.SessionID)

Creation of list in share point 2007 or MOSS 2007

1)Click site action tab (Assume a site is created) 2)Click on create 3)Under Customlists section 4)Select Custome list 5)Enter Display name & Description 6)If want display list at left side pane (quick launch ) of check yes else no 7)By Default one colum is viewable i.e title 8)To edit Title colum name click on settings tab select list setting 9)Under Colum section click on title then rename colum name edit seeting as your requirment 10)Create a new colum under seting tab click on new colum then provide colum name,type ,description 11)To make colum as required filed select Reauired colum information 12)To Disable colum from default view uncheck default view colum 13)Edit any colum follow step 8 & 9 except colum name is differ 14)Note Default colum create when a list created Attachment,created,created by,edit,id,modified,modified by,type,version so on 15)To edit view of any list under view select modify view To enable any colume to see in default view check the display & order of display can be varied 16)To Delete a list click on setting then select list setting under permissin and managment click on delete list

Different type of events Available in Javscript

Events associated with Mouse: onmousemove: If the user moves a button, then the events associated with onmousemove fire. onclick: onclick events fire when the mouse button clicks. ondblclick: The event ondblclick fires when the mouse button is double clicked. There are also some events associated with the mouse pointer position such as: onmouseout: onmouseout event fires if the mouse pointer position is out of focus from the element. onmouseover: onmouseover event fires if the mouse pointer position is in focus of the element position. The above are some of the various mouse events available in JavaScript. Events associated with Keyboard: onkeydown onkeyup onkeypress onkeydown: onkeydown event fires when key is pressed. onkeyup: onkeyup event fires when key is released. onkeypress: The event onkeypress fires if the onkeydown is followed by onkeyup. There are many additional events available in JavaScript. A few are listed below: onerror: onerror event fires when an error occurs. onfocus: When a element gains focus, onfocus event fires or executes. onblur: In contrast to an onfocus event, this event fires when the element loses its focus. Both onfocus and onblur may be used for handling validation of forms. onsubmit: The event onsubmit fires when the command form submit is given. This event is used for validating all fields in the form before submitting the form. onload: onload event automatically executes as soon as the document fully loads. This loads when the user enters the page. This is a commonly used event. This event is used to check compatibility with the browser version and type. Based on this compatibility, the appropriate version of a page will then load. onunload: In contrast to onload event, the onunload event fires when the user leaves the page.

Running Window Application using Window Service

How to run window apllication in specfic interval from window service 1)Create window service application(Assume Creation of window service known) 2)Use Namespace system .Timer add timer.start in start method of windowservice 3)Add Time elapsed event handler mechanism in start method of window service 4)In Timeelapsed event add following line code Process proc; proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\windowapplicationName.exe"; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "jhgj";[optional] proc.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized; proc.Start(); 5)After install service in service controler right click on service name then click properties under login tab enable Allow service to interact with desktop (For Automatic enable review code given below add name space Microsoft.win32 in code) 6)Start service
Declartion in Class Member Section /////////// Process p = new Process(); // int ncount = 0; int iProcessID = 0; System.Timers.Timer objtimer = new Timer(1000); ////////// Code for start Method ////////// this.objtimer.Enabled = true; this.objtimer.Start(); this.objtimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(timer1_Elapsed); //Automatatically enable window service for inter active desktop // Here is where we set the bit on the value in the registry. //Reference from // Grab the subkey to our service RegistryKey ckey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( @"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sample", true); // Good to always do error checking! if (ckey != null) { // Ok now lets make sure the "Type" value is there, //and then do our bitwise operation on it. if (ckey.GetValue("Type") != null) { ckey.SetValue("Type", ((int)ckey.GetValue("Type") | 256)); } } ///////// Code for Timer Elapsed event ///////// ///here if condtion are used to check not to run same process again if process is already running try { if (iProcessID != 0) { Process[] objProcesses = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses(); bool IsExists = false; foreach (Process prc in objProcesses) { if (prc.Id == iProcessID) { IsExists = true; } } if (IsExists == false) iProcessID = 0; } if (iProcessID == 0) { Process proc; proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\TrayDemo.exe"; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "jhgj"; proc.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized; if (proc.Start()) { iProcessID = proc.Id; } } } catch (Exception ex) { //MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } /////////////

create a new site in share point 2007

1)Assume web application is created 2)Open central administrator 3)Click on application management tab 4)Under sharepoint site management section click on create site collection 5)To change a defalut web application click on web application link 6)Provide tiltle,description ,url 7)Select template 8)Provide user name i.e winows user

Create a new or extend web application in Moss2007

1)open centeral administrator tool 2)Click on application tab 3)Click on create or extend web application 4)select exist web application or creat anew web application Step :create a new web application changes if required 1)Select existing web site or create anew website (change description if required) 2)change port number if required Leave default options 1)Authentication 2)Anonymous 3)Use security socket layer(ssl)4)URL 5)application pool Changes secrity account of application pool 1)select predined i.e network service.if want user name and password select configurable Change iis 1)select restart iis automaticaly (prefered) Leave defaultsetting of data base Step :Extend web application 1)Every thing same as above except web application click to choose web application

Portals in sharepoint

Portal 1)Connect your people to information and expertise:To share critical bussines and experise information and make a better decision 2)Connect people for key bussiness application:To stream line devlopment new composite application 3)Connect your people to role specfic resource:Allow roles to create in your portal and acces revalance resources

Collabration and Social computing in Moss2007

Collabration:It provide enviroment to working togther in teams and communnity to share information in differnent platform Social Computing:It helps us creating or recreating social convention social context online through the use of software & technology Purpose of Collabration and Social computing in Moss2007 1)Empower team with collabrative workspace:Moss provide to create own workspace to share asset with in team,department with in the oraganization 2)Connect the oragnization through portals: Moss provide to connect to people with line of bussines data ,experts,and bussiness process across the oraganization 3)Enable communities with social computing Tools: It provide a tool to set of social computing capabalities with their existing workspace and portal infrastructer 4)Reduce Cost and Complexity for IT by using integerated Infrastructer ,Existing investment and an Extensible architectual platform :Organizatiion maintain lower cost of ownerships and more easily meet bussines demand