
Different catetgories of Culture in .net

1)Invarient Culture This culture categoary is cultur -insensitive.This Culture is to used essentialy a default culture when consitency is desired.It used to create trial application with harde code expiration date .As Invarient Culture is not based on any language .It simply the task of comparing dates 2)Neutral Culture A Neutral culture is associated with a language but has no relationship with countries or region .The english spoken in United State is differ from Great Britan.It contain 2 characters (en)English,French(fr) and Spanish(sp) 3)Specfic Culture This is most precise of that three categories and is reprsented by a neutral culture ,a hyphen ant then a specfic culture abberevation it reprsent a region/country .For example (en-US ) en represent a neutral culture & US represent a specfic culture