Collabration and Social computing in Moss2007
Collabration:It provide enviroment to working togther in teams and communnity to share information in differnent platform
Social Computing:It helps us creating or recreating social convention social context online through the use of software & technology
Purpose of Collabration and Social computing in Moss2007
1)Empower team with collabrative workspace:Moss provide to create own workspace to share asset with in team,department with in the oraganization
2)Connect the oragnization through portals: Moss provide to connect to people with line of bussines data ,experts,and bussiness process across the oraganization
3)Enable communities with social computing Tools: It provide a tool to set of social computing capabalities with their existing workspace and portal infrastructer
4)Reduce Cost and Complexity for IT by using integerated Infrastructer ,Existing investment and an Extensible architectual platform :Organizatiion maintain lower cost of ownerships and more easily meet bussines demand