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- A set cooperating classes that make reusable Desingn to specfic application
- A skeleton of an application in which developer plug in ther code and provides most of the commaon functionality
- A framework is set of common and preferabicated software building block that programmer can be used extends or customise specfic computing solution
- FrameWork is a skeleton of code for developing a particular type of an application.For example house it is treated as Framework it has predefine components like kitchen ,bedroom etc,futher it is used to build any type of house
- Dot net Framework
- Framework class libaray (FCL):A series of classes with method that encapsulate common system or appication related functionality contained hundered classes avilable to application written to utilize .net language (
- .net Runtime Host:it is "sandbox" or "protective bubble" where your application run.manage permission granted to application run .provide a common system of data types accross all .net languages and manages memory for application
- Utilies(compiler,code genertor, etc) variours and sundary application that perform a wide variety of task.
- Note:Design pattern refers to repeatable solution to particular for common occuring software is solution to particular problem.RelationShip between framework and desiogn pattern is the framwork is made by using one or more design pattern